Hungarian professionals reform veterinary medicine with 3D printing

A Hungarian team with veterinarian and engineering background creates anatomical models, drilling guides and implants by means of 3D modelling. Similarly to human medicine, they want to introduce personalised veterinarian medicine with the help of digital design and 3D printing.

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Media presence
The process and opportunities of anatomical visualisation

Visualisation is actually as old as mankind. Even in prehistoric times people depicted animals in cave paintings, supposedly, to project a successful hunting. This form of art evolved approximately 30 thousand years before writing, so it can also explain why numerous people say that they are visual.

Media presence
The TROCA 55 trochlear cap system - Customised trochlear cap by LimesVet

One of the most frequent orthopaedic deformation in small dogs is the dislocation of the patella. Patellar luxation is often a congenital, inherited disorder but it can also be caused by a trauma or an accident. With the help of 3D design and printing, we have created an implant which is considered exceptional worldwide. It is uniquely designed and manufactured for the femur of the given animal. We deliver this product together with anatomical models and surgical drilling guides.

Media presence
Integrating LimesVet services into veterinarian praxis

Today it is obvious that the appearance of 3D technology in the field of medicine opens new horizons for medical professionals in treating diseases. Currently we are just getting to know the advantages of this technology. However, thanks to the rapid development in this field, the question arises as to how to integrate all these achievements into the daily healing practice.

Ventriculoperitoneal shunt (VPS) implantation
Ventriculoperitoneal shunt (VPS) implantation

Patient-specific surgical equipment

Bone density analysis
Bone density analysis

Diverse anatomical visualization


Patient-specific surgical equipment

Anatomy of the temporal bone
Anatomy of the temporal bone

Diverse anatomical visualization